He that nothing questions, nothing learns.

 I used to worry that Project Managers and Direct Clients find me annoying. I try not to annoy them, but I do ask many questions when working on their text. I believe doing so adds value to my service because it can:

  • eliminate errors
  • clarify client preferences
  • clarify the meaning
  • ensure appropriate register
  • identify errors in the source

I'm happy to share that I've always had a very positive response to my questions with comments such as: "well spotted", "good question", and "thanks for double-checking", and I haven't noticed a hint of frustration.

The ultimate goal is getting it right and ensuring the end client has a flawless and straightforward rendition of their documents. As translators or reviewers, we share that responsibility with our clients and should not hesitate to ask questions. Let's work as a team!


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